Letter writing

 Letter–writing is a form of written communication. Letters are of two types: formal and informal. Formal letters include business letters, letter of complaints, letter to government officials, etc., Informal letters include letters to friends, relatives, acquaintances, etc.

Formal/Official Letters

Formal or official letters are written to:

  • Editors of newspapers
  • Heads of different Depts; Directors
  • Principals/Managers

Subject Matter:

  • Complaints
  • Reactions/Response to certain events/Speeches/Placing order for new items

Language: Formal, assertive

  • Self Address (Sender’s address)
  • Receiver’s Address
  • Date
  • Salutation (Sir/Madam)
  • Subject: Reg……….
  • Content
    • Refer to previous communication or source of news or information
    • Status (position/issue)
    • Analysis and reasons
    • Suggestion/Action required


  • Thanks
  • Yours sincerely/truly
  • Signature
  • Full rank/name, if any

Inquiry Letter Writing Tips
Some useful language expressions

  • We are interested in … and would like you to…
  • Would you please tell me…/ send me the information…
  • I shall be obliged if you could give me the following information…
  • Be polite and formal
  • Introduce yourself and mention your requirements
  • Ask for detailed information about the product (price, discount, terms and conditions)

Complaint Letter Writing Format
Some useful language expressions

  • We regret to remind you that…
  • I am writing to complain about…
  • We are sorry to inform you that
  • Be polite and formal
  • Introduce yourself and describe clearly what your complaint is
  • Remember that the newspaper is only a medium to address the issue
  • Do not ask the editor to resolve the issue

Letter To Editor Topics
Some useful language expressions

  • Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I wish to bring to the notice of the concerned authorities…
  • In my opinion…
  • This is a very shocking/ disturbing use of…
  • Describe your opinion clearly
  • Say what you would like the receiver to do to redress the complaint (replacement/ refund of money/ free service)
  • Mention your next course of action, if the complaint remains unattended.

Letter Writing Exercises With Answers Pdf for Class 10

Question 1.
You are Ashish/Astha, a resident of #254, Vigyan Vihar, Amla, Madhya Pradesh. You are worried to see your younger brother’s frequent habit of using Internet as a homework tool. Taking ideas from the input given below and your own, write a letter to the Editor of a popular newspaper, expressing your opinion on the advantages, disadvantages of the dependence of youth and the computers in the present times. (100–120 words)

  • In the techno world–24 hr access to the Internet–no doubt school children using Net as homework tool.
  • has many advantages–quick way to find information update—more free time for other activities—provides a variety of sources.
  • more drawbacks than advantages–students’ reading, writing and thinking skills seem to be disappearing—just copy information—some websites may contain inaccurate information no interest in listening to teacher in school–concept of hard work disappearing in present generation–balanced, sensible use of Net required.

Write your letter in the following layout:
Letter Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Topics, Samples 1

Question 2.
You are Rachna/Raghu, 15 Mall Road, Agra. You happen to see the following news item in a newspaper. Write a letter in about 100–120 words to the editor of the newspaper about your views on the matter.

New Delhi: The Supreme Court has passed an order that it is the responsibility of every citizen to look after their aged parents. If they fail, they will have no right of inheritance.

Letter Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Topics, Samples 2Letter Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Topics, Samples 2

Question 3.
You are Rizwan Ali, resident of 456, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily, drawing the attention of the concerned authorities to the deteriorating law and order situation in the city.

456, Rajouri Garden
New Delhi
15th May, 2017
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Sub: Deteriorating law and order situation in the city.Sir,
Through this letter I wish to bring to the kind attention of the concerned authorities, my concern about the deteriorating law and order situation in the city.Incidents of theft, kidnapping, molestation, rape and murder are on the rise these days. Both, A person walking on the street (irrespective of the age or gender) or a person at home are unsafe. Everyone is susceptible to fall prey to the evil intentions of the antisocial elements in the society.There is no peace and disquiet has become a norm. Terrorists are seen wandering fearlessly in broad daylight.None of these criminals have been arrested so far. If arrested many of them go scot–free, those not arrested, are seen roaming freely on roads. It is time that laws are applied more effectively to curb the menace. I request the concerned authorities to look into this matter and take necessary actions to enable the residents to live in peace.Thanking youYours sincerely
Rizwan Ali

Question 4.
Tourism being one of the biggest and fastest-growing industries globally, affects the economic, socio-cultural, environmental and educational resources of nations. Improving tourism industry in India would thus lead to national development in many spheres. As Ankit/ Ankita, write a letter to the Editor of The Times of India expressing your views on the same. You may take ideas from the unit– Travel and Tourism besides your own ideas. (about 100–120 words )

Mall Road,
July 28, 2016
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi–110006
Subject: Improving tourism industry in IndiaSir,
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the development of tourism industry in our country. India is a land of beautiful landscapes, rivers and places of religious, historical and cultural importance. We have innumerable tourist destinations which if used to their full potential can bring about a lot of development in the country. Tourism being one of the biggest and fastest-growing industries globally, affects the economic, socio-cultural, environmental and educational resources of nations.Improving tourism industry in India would thus contribute to the development of the nation in many spheres. It will have many positive effects on our economy. It will help in the growth and development of various industries directly linked with the tourism industry such as those pertaining to transportation, accommodation, wildlife, arts and entertainment. It also helps in the creation of new jobs.A lot of revenue will also be generated through foreign exchange on payments received for goods and services provided. The development of tourism also enhances the living conditions of the local people. It would therefore be appropriate for all concerned, to work towards perfect all aspects of this fastest-growing industry.Thank you

Yours sincerely

Question 5.
Our metropolitan cities witness a large number of accidents every day. What do you think is the reason? What can be done to bring down the rate of accidents? Write a letter in 100–120 words to the Editor of a national daily expressing your concerns and offering solutions to this problem. You are Arun/Aruna, 112 Model Town, Delhi.

112 Model Town,
July 10, 2016
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi–110006
Subject: Rising number of road accidentsRespected Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the increase in the number of road accidents in the metropolitan cities. The loss of life due to these accidents is also increasing. Why is this so?. The thrill for speed among the impatient youth or the underage drivers could be a cause. Blaming the youth solely for these accidents is not justified. There are many who do not follow traffic rules. The reason could be, to reach the destination in a hurry, stress leading to loss of concentration, distractions like mobile phone, road rage, the result is the same–accidents.Drunken driving is yet another cause of accidents. Everyone wants to live in luxury. With companies offering vehicles affordable EMI and costs, the dream of owning a vehicle is becoming a reality for many. However all this leads to an increase in number of vehicles on the road, thereby leading to more accidents.We need to take stringent measures to avoid these accidents. More policemen should be deployed to act as deterrents. There should be stricter punishment for even a small violation of rules. Another way would be to inculcate traffic rules and discipline at school itself.While issuing licence there should be comprehensive classes for traffic rules. In cases of underage drivers, parents should be held responsible and penalized. Another solution would be to car pool. This would not only reduce traffic but also reduce the pollution in the environment. If these measures are implemented, we will be able to save a lot of lives.Thank you

Yours sincerely

Question 6.
The influence of friends can have both positive and negative impact on the students. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in 100–120 words discussing how we can make it more positive and productive. You are Arun/Aruna 24, Mall Road, Chennai.

24, Mall Road
April 3, 2016
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi–110006Subject: Influence of friendsSir,
Through the columns of your newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the readers towards the increasing influence of friends on the life of youngsters these days. We hear a lot of youngsters referring to “Peer pressure”that affecting friendship these days. Friendship is a valuable relationship that helps the youth evolves. It establishes a strong bond between two human beings. Good friendship develops healthy completion among peers. Nowadays when stress has become a part of life, good friends help to reduce each others stress levels. A good friend will also be there whenever one is in trouble.Contrarily, the influence of a bad friend can be disastrous. One can develop vices like drinking, drugs, smoking, stealing, betting, etc. to be one among his peers, part of the crowd. The youth needs to understand that time, intelligence, money and relationship should be used in a productive way. One can learn a lot from friends. As a group, friends can take up projects and do social work. In a friendship, friends need to be encouraging and supportive of each other. On each other, have a positive influence.Thank you

Yours sincerely

Question 7.
Many complaints about unfair means being used in exams have been reported. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily newspaper in 100–200 words giving reasons . for this trend and suggest measures to combat this. You are Arun/Aruna 12 Fort Road Kochi.

12, Fort Road
September 20, 2015
The Editor
The Hindustan
Times New
Delhi 110006Subject: Use of unfair meansSir,
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the alarming rise in the use of unfair means by students while appearing for exams.Students get chits, and use latest gadgets to copy. There are some who use the old method copying from the peers. Many are caught by the exam squads and suspended. Some even lose a year. But still the practice continues.What is it that is forcing students to fall prey to this dangerous practice? The primary reason is the high expectations of parents and teachers. Then there is peer pressures. The competition to be at the top. There are some who copy due to lack of preparation. Sometimes, fear of failure and poor vigilance also make students use unfair means during exams.The need of the hour is to take immediate measures to help the students. The teachers and parents need to play an active role in sensitizing students about the importance of learning. They should instill life skills and values of integrity and honesty. Vigilant should be excellent quality. We need to manoeuvre our children on to the right path.

Yours sincerely

Question 8.
You are Mr. Malik, the coordinator of the ABC Public School. Write a letter to place a bulk order for school uniform to M/S Sinha Garments.

12 Pandeer Road,
New Delhi
6th February, 20xx
M/s Sinha Garments
New DelhiSubject: Order for school uniform setsDearSir,
This letter is with reference to the meeting that took place at your factory. We wish to purchase uniform material for our students from you. Our requirement is as follows:
A total of 200 pieces.

Please note that the entire payment will be made only after the delivery. Kindly make the delivery on or before 2nd April 20xx. I request you to offer us a discount on the order and send us the official bill along with the product.

Please review the order and if you have any recommendations, or need any clarification, please contact the undersigned. We hope for a long–term association with you.

Yours Sincerely
Karan Malik
Mob. No. 9811x XXXXX

Question 9.
You are Somita Roy, the librarian of ABC Puhlic School, New Delhi. Write a letter to the Unique Book Co., New Delhi, complaining about the poor quality of books supplied to your library.

ABC Public School
New Delhi
8th July, 2017
The Unique Book Co.
New Delhi
Subject: Supply of poor quality of booksDear Sir,
We regret to inform you that the quality of books supplied by you to our library is quite deplorable and poor. ABC Public School has been your old and regular customer. We placed an order for the purchase of about five hundred books for the school library. The books supplied are poor in quality, not the latest editions and most of them are not the ones we had ordered. Please note that errors made in the supply given below and expedite the matter at the earliest.
  1. (a) Thirty copies of Modern Mathematics (10th Standard) 2015 Edition Supplied.
    (b) Thirty copies of English Grammar (10th Standard) 2015 Edition Supplied. Whereas 2017 Editions of the above-mentioned books are available in the market.
  2. We ordered for thirty copies of ‘History of India’ by S.K. Rao but received 10 copies of ‘History of India’ by S.P. Singh.
  3. Twenty copies of Science books are really in a bad shape and cannot be accepted as such. Please effect the changes on or before 1st of August, 2017.

Yours faithfully
Somita Roy

Question 10.
You are John/Jennifer, the incharge of tour and excursion club of Grand Public School, Agra. During the summer break, you are planning to organise a tour to a place of historical importance. Write a letter to the India Travel and Tour Agency, Agra, enquiring about the charges, facilities and all the other necessary details.

Grand Public School,
6th April, 20xx
The Manager,
India Travel and Tour Agency,
Subject: Enquiry about the charges and facilitiesSir,
Grand Public School, Agra is organising a tour to a place of historical importance during the summer break. We are planning a tour in the first week of May. It would be a tour for three days. We are a group of twenty–five students, four teachers and two peons. Kindly furnish the following details regarding the tour and oblige.
  • Information regarding the package tours provided by your agency.
  • Arrangement for accommodation of the students, the teachers and the peons.
  • Number of rooms and their total charges.
  • Arrangements of breakfast, lunch and dinner and the charges per head.
  • Arrangement of luxury buses and the charges for each bus.
  • Any other information or relevant details regarding the tour.

Yours faithfully
Tour Incharge

Question 11.
Accidents in big cities is a common phenomenon. Unfortunately, hardly anyone comes to the rescue of road victims because of fear of harassment by the police. Now that the Supreme Court has issued guidelines that people who take road victims to a hospital will not be questioned or detained, there is no reason why bystanders/passersby should hesitate to help road victims and thus discharge their duty as responsible citizens. Write a letter in 100–120 words to the editor of a national daily requesting him to make people aware of Supreme Court guidelines and urge them to help people in distress. You are Shom/ Shobha, 24, Raj Nagar, Kanpur.

24, Raj Nagar
Kanpur Uttar Pradesh
12th March, 2018
The Editor
Times of India
Subject: Supreme court directive.Sir,
As a conscientious citizen of this great country, I consider it is my duty to make a humble request to your esteemed newspaper, towards effecting a very noble social cause. Road accidents are on the rise. Research says that we lose 17 lives every hour. Most often this is due to the non-availability of instant medical help. People hesitate to help a victim, because of the complications they get entangled in with the police.Through the columns of your paper, kindly spread awareness among the public about the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court, regarding the security of those who come forward to help. This may encourage people to be more responsible.Please help me in my endeavor.Yours faithfully
Shobha sen

Question 12.
Accidents in big cities is a common phenomenon. Unfortunately, hardly anyone comes to the rescue of road victims because of fear of harassment by the police. Now that the Supreme Court has issued guidelines that people who take road victims to a hospital will not be questioned or detained, there is no reason why bystanders/passersby should hesitate to help road victims and thus discharge their duty as responsible citizens. Write a letter in 100–120 words to the editor of a national daily requesting him to make people aware of Supreme Court guidelines and urge them to help people in distress. You are Shom / Shobha, 24, Raj Nagar, Kanpur.

12 Station Road Delhi
12th March, 2018
The Editor
The New Indian Express
New Delhi
Subject: Problems faced by outstation students in DelhiSir,
I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the problems students from other states face when they join universities in Delhi.One of the major problems is that of finding an affordable accommodation. Institutions are not equipped to accommodate all the students. The rent charged by local landlords is exorbitant, rules and regulations they put forward are unreasonable, convenience that they provide is minimal, and security is not their responsibility. Students belonging to specific cultures are denied accommodation.May I suggest the following measures to solve the problems:
  • government set a slab and pull up errant landlords
  • Make it mandatory for educational institutions to cater to students requiring accommodation, along with meeting their food and medical needs.

Through the columns of your esteemed daily I request you to bring our problems out in the public domain and help bring about a respite to the students who are miles away from their families.

Yours faithfully
Raman Lyer

Question 13.
Shantikunj is a thickly populated locality inhabited mainly by the working-class people. Unfortunately, there is no Mother Dairy milk booth in the locality. Write a letter in 100–200 words to the editor of a local daily drawing the attention of the authorities to the problem faced by the people, requesting them to open a milk booth. You are Ram/Roma, 4, Shantikunj, Delhi.

4 Shantikunj Delhi
16 March, 2018
The Editor
The New Indian Express Delhi
Subject: Request for a Mother Dairy Milk BoothSir,
Shantikunj is a very thickly populated locality consisting of people belonging to the working class, i.e. the 4th–grade category of workers. Both men and women step out to fend for the upkeep of their families. Milk is considered to be one among the staple food varieties by our community. As the old concept of fresh milk being delivered at the doorstep has become a thing of the past, we face a lot of difficulty in securing milk to’give our children.Mother Dairy, which is considered to be the main milk provider in Delhi, does not have a booth in our area. Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I seek support in drawing the attention of the concerned authorities to set up a milk booth in our locality at the earliest.Thanking youYours faithfully
Roma Mittal

Letter Writing Exercises for Class 10 CBSE

1. Software engineers from India have the reputation of being among the best in the world. Most of them migrate to other countries while their own country needs them the most. This is a matter of serious concern. Taking clues from the following visual and verbal input, write a letter to the editor of a famous newspaper expressing concern over the issue of brain drain in about 100–120 words.
Letter Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Topics, Samples 4

  • Human capital flight, more commonly referred to as “brain drain”—the large–scale emigration of a large group of individuals with technical skills or knowledge.
  • The reasons—(in source countries: lack of opportunities, political instability, economic depression, health risks; in host countries: rich opportunities, political stability and freedom, developed economy, better living conditions).
  • In terms of individual reasons–family influence (overseas relatives, and personal preference: preference for exploring, ambition for an improved career).
  • Loss to nation—the draining of skilled individuals—wheel of developing nations–great loss to these developing nations.

2. The visuals given here make it quite clear that the number of female children has drastically declined as indicated by “too many puppy–dogs’ –tails. The matter of concern is that their number is steadily shrinking. Taking inputs from your Unit–2, ‘Education’ and the visuals, given below, write a letter to the Editor of a national daily expressing your worry on the skewing sex ratio in the nation, in about 100–120 words.
Letter Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Topics, Samples 5

3. Vishal came across the following newspaper clipping about a cholera and typhoid epidemic. Write a letter to the Editor of a local magazine emphasising the need to create awareness of the spread, prevention and treatment of such diseases. Taking ideas from the hints given below, and using your own ideas, write the letter in 100–120 words.

New Delhi: Twenty people died and several have been hospitalised in the Dhari village of UP due to the spread of cholera and diarrhoea. Doctors are of the opinion that lack of hygiene is the main reason for the outbreak of such an epidemic.

4. You are concerned about the increased incidents of road accidents involving school children. The main reason is the reckless driving habits of children. You decide to express your views in the form of a letter to the Editor of ‘The Hindu’ discussing this problem. Also suggest measures to combat the problem. Write the letter in not more than 120 words. You may use the following clues:

Owning vehicles at a young age – fashion statement–reckless driving to compete with friends – clash of egos – unable to understand that speed thrills but kills – don’t adhere to the traffic rules – don’t wear helmets – don’t listen to parents – must enforce use of public transport – parents to monitor – schools to make strict rules.

5. While reading a magazine you came across the following article:

There is a growing lack of sensitivity and respect for our fellow creatures. There is talk about the food web and the energy cycles and ecological balance and how removal of any element disrupts the whole system, and how this can affect human beings too. What this approach lacks is the essential interaction with Nature and with other human beings. Indeed, in many environmental activities the opposite takes place.

You are an educationist and feel that Environmental Education imparted in schools, needs reorientation. The stress should not be on preserving Nature for human use, but for protecting animals and plants for their own sake. Based on the information given above and using your own ideas, write a letter to the Editor of a national daily in about 100–120 words on the subject and give it a suitable title.

6. The condition of the public park in your locality is miserable and it is also misused by some mischievous people. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper with the help of the points given below in 100–120 words. You are Ritu/Ravi, A–15 Kailash Colony, New Delhi.

poorly managed parks – heaps of garbage lying everywhere
boundary wall broken – grass is scrounge
very dirty, animals resting there – drunkards sit inside
sometimes robbed lonely passerby – people are scared to go there

7. The number of tourists going to the hill stations is increasing. This has led to the commercialization and its ill effects are more and more hotels, garbage, effect on the life of the locals etc. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern over the situation. (100–120 words).

8. You are Rohit Verma of Class X in Vikas Sr Sec. School, Anand Vihar, New Delhi. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper expressing your views on the importance of English (100–120 words).

9. You are Rakhi/Ashok. You have seen the following news item in a newspaper. Video games, internet, cell phones and other high–tech gears are the accessories of growing up in a digital world. But parents are concerned about the amount of time their children spend with these and worry that it might be distracting and hint them their academic and social development.

Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Pioneer’in 100–120 words expressing your views.

10. You are Mr Satish Kaushik, the Sports Instructor in ABC Convent, New Delhi. The Principal of the school asked you to place an order for buying cricket kits, volleyball nets, footballs, badminton and other necessary sports accessories. Write a letter to place an order with Star Sports, New Delhi.

11. The Nobel Laureates, namely Rabindranath Tagore, C.V. Raman, Mother Teresa and Amartya Sen have done our country proud. However, greatness is not confined to a country or a political territory. Such people work selflessly for humanity and inspire us also to follow their path. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper in 100–120 words. Take ideas from the input given below on the importance of being an ideal human being and an ideal citizen.

  • We should learn from the action of Nobel Laureate.
  • Not follow the path of corruption and unlawful means
  • Not being selfish
  • Be kind, generous, humble
  • Sharing with the people who do not have
  • We should work towards becoming a better global society

12. Corruption has got into the nerve of the whole world and as a result, the corruption endemic commands a réprehensive global presence. Some of the social workers are reacting encouraging them and making the people aware of this evil practice and to raise their voice against corruption. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the problem and suggesting ways and means to curb the menace about 100–120 words. You can take ideas from the input given below.
