If the sentence inside double inverted comma represent assertive sentence we will change it into indirect speech as follows.


Ø  Change reporting verb say to, says to, said to into tell, tells, told.

Note- tell, tells, told are transitive verbs we must use object after it

Ø  Replace double inverted comma with “ that “

Ø  Follow general rule.

Example – my friend says to him,” you are not a wise man.” (direct )

                     My friend tells him that he is not a wise man. ( Indirect )

                     He said, “ I am playing cricket .” ( direct )

                     He said that he was playing cricket. (indirect)

EXCEPTION – if universal truth or habitual actions represent in reported speech then there will be no change in indirect speech.

Example- The guru said, “work is worship.” (direct)

                  The guru said that work is worship. (indirect)

                  My father said, “labour never goes in vain,” (direct)

                  My father said that labour never goes in vain.


  • A.      If must is used in reported speech and it represents moral duty/ responsibility/ rules/ theory. Then we should not change meaning of must.

Example – he said, “ one must do one’s duty.” ( direct )

                   He said that one must do one’s duty. (indirect)

  • B.      If must is used in reported speech as present or future meaning then we should change it into has to, have to, had to, will have to, would have to,  respectively according to meaning of the sentence.

Example – She said , “ I must go.” ( direct )

                   She said that she had to go. ( indirect)

                     Varsha said, “ I must go to malasia next year.” (direct )

                   Varsha said that she would have to go to malasia the following year. ( indirect)

  • C.      If noun is used as salutation in reported speech then we should change that noun into object of reporting verb.

Example – she said, “you are foolish, Mukesh.”

Step 1- She said to Mukesh, “you are foolish.”

Step 2- She told Mukesh that he was foolish. (indirect)

Example – Guriya said, “ I love you very much , Nitesh”

Answer – Guriya told Nitesh that she loved him very much. (indirect)

  • D.      If as term of address, ladies and gentlemen, brave sons of motherland, my dear friends, future of the country are used in reported speech then we should change  that sentence as follows..


Ø  Addressing + object + as + terms of address…

Example – Pt. Nehru said to the people, “ friends, here I thankyou all.” (direct)

                   Addressing the people as friends, Pt. Nehru said that there he thanked them all.( indirect)

  • E.       If o, well, you see, okay are used in reported speech then we should replace it while changing from direct to indirect.

Example – She said, “well Pankaj you have done this work.” ( direct )

                    She told Pankaj that he had done that work. (indirect )

  • F.       If welcome or farewell like words are present in reported speech we should change it as follows

Step 1 -use bid/bids/bade/wish/wishes/wished after subject of reporting verb according to sentence.

Step 2 –use object of reporting verb

Step 3 –use goodmorning, goodnight etc after object of reporting verb.

Step 4 – use and said that

Step 5- follow general rule

Direct – my classmate said to me, “ goodmorning, you have finished your homework.

Indirect- my classmate wished me goodmorning and said that I had finished my homework.

  • G.     If more than one assertive sentences present in reported speech we should add them by ( and or further ) words while changing into reported speech.

Example – the emperor said, “ my wife is beautiful and laborious and he would visit the Tajmahal.

Indirect – the emperor said that his wife was beautiful and laborious and he would visit the Tajmahal.

  • H.      If reporting verb is either middle and end of the sentence, we should keep it at the beginning while changing it into indirect.

Example – he has gone to the office,” he said.

Indirect – he said that he had gone to the office.




If yes –no question words are used in reported speech then we should change it into indirect speech as follows-

steps to change

·         Change reporting verb say/say to, says/says to, said/said to into ask/demand/enquire, asks/demands/enquires, asked/demanded/enquired, want to know/wants to know/wanted to know according to meaning of the sentence.

·         Replace the inverted comma with if or whether.

·         Change interrogative sentence means- aux verb + subject + m.v. + o +? Into assertive sentence means s + m.v. + o + .  or s + v + o .

·         Follow general rule to change direct into indirect.


-          use of before object after demand/want to know

-          If the object is used after reporting the verb, we should change reporting verb into enquire/enquires/enquired according to tense then use of preposition.

-          If the object is not used then change reporting verb into enquire/enquires/enquired according to tense.


Direct - He said to me, “Are you a student?”

Indirect - He asked me if/whether I was a student.

Direct - She said to Raman, “Have you a mobile set?”

Indirect - She asked/enquired of Raman if/whether he had a mobile set.


If wh-question words used in the reported speech then we should change it as follows-

·         Change reporting verb say/say to, says/says to, said/said to into ask/demand/enquire, asks/demands/enquires, asked/demanded/enquired, want to know/wants to know/wanted to know according to meaning of the sentence.

·         Use the same interrogative word as in the sentence in the place of the inverted comma.

·         Change interrogative sentence means interrogative words + aux verb + s + m.v. + o + ? or I.W. + A.V. + S+ ADJ. + ?  into I.W. WORDS + S+ A.V + M.V.+ ? Or I.W + S+ A.V + ADJ. + .

·         Follow general rule


-          We should use of preposition after enquired/demanded/wanted to know only if an object is present.


Direct – I said to my wife, “what are you doing today?”

Indirect – I asked my wife what she was doing that day.

Direct – he said to me, “when will you return?”

Indirect – he asked me when I would return.


Direct – she said to me, “did you not write me a letter?”

Indirect – she asked me if /whether I had not written her a letter.


-          If assertive sentence + (,) + question tag is used in reported speech then we should leave that question tag while changing into indirect.

-          Replace the inverted comma with if/ whether

-          Follow the general rule.


Direct - she said to me, “you know me, don’t you?

Indirect - She asked me if I knew her.

Direct - Prabha said to me, you will help me, won’t you?


If the question’s answer given in yes- no then change it as follows

Direct – He said to me, “did you write a letter ?” I said, “yes”.

Indirect – he asked me if I had written a letter. I replied in affirmative/ I said that I had.


















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